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How WP Rentals works

This is how you can publish or rent a house with our website.


Find, save, and share the perfect place to stay, all from your phone. Find, save, and share the perfect place to stay, all from your phone.


Book a listing from a secure platform. Contact owner and ask any questions you have before sending a booking request. Receive 24/7 support.


Travel to your favorite places and save money by renting affordable accommodation. Use your savings to buy more gifts for you.

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Tips and Tricks about how you can rent a space faster!
Looking for more cottages?
Looking for more cottages?
We think you will find your perfect cottage right here on the Special Dorset Cottages website but if you want ...
Oct 14, 2020 , 0
Thinking of letting your holiday cottage?
Thinking of letting your hol...
Whether you are just starting out with letting a holiday cottage or already have an established one, we can help. ...
Sep 26, 2020 , 0
Whether the weather…
Whether the weather…
be cold, or whether the weather be hot … as the poem goes, March is traditionally the month of changeable ...
Mar 08, 2020 , 0