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Custom Widgets

June 29, 2015 by Heather

Besides professionally styling for all standard WordPress widgets, we have added some important real estate widgets for you:

  • Multi Currency widget
  • Property Advanced Search Search (also available as a shortcode)
  • Featured Property (also available as a shortcode)
  • Latest Properties with Filters (also available as a shortcode)
  • Login/Register Widget that syncs with User Dashboard when user is logged in
  • Contact Widget
  • Facebook Widget
  • Social Widgets
  • Latest Tweets widget

You can see them implemented on the right-hand side of this page.

All widgets an be used in any default widget area + you can create your own unlimited sidebars:

  • Primary Widget Area
  • Secondary Widget Area
  • Top Bar Left Widget Area
  • Top Bar Right Widget Area
  • Owner Page Widget Area
  • Footer Column 1
  • Footer Column 2
  • Footer Column 3

For Top Left Widget Area and Top Right Widget Area you can add your own text widgets (for contact), language widgets (if you add a third party multilanguage), Social Widgets (custom theme widget).

Owner Widget Area displays the widgets on Owner Page (EX:, only if Reviews are published for that owners’ properties.